Warehouse Workforce Productivity

3 Reasons why the minimum wage should be increased

There’s a lot of discussion around raising the federal minimum wage. Read on to learn more about why it’s a good idea.

5 Good Performance Review Tips for Employers

When reviewing performance, you might want to review the review first.

6 Warehouse Automation Benefits

Have you been dragging your feet when it comes to warehouse automation? Here are six big benefits that might change your mind!

7 leadership styles (and how to use them)

What kind of leader do you want to become? Here’s a look at seven leadership styles that may have a role in your warehouse.

Advancement opportunities: The big conversation for 2022

Currents have shifted again for warehouse leadership. Our annual logistics study, the Voice Of The Blue Collar Worker (VBCW), shows that soft promises are less appealing in 2022. Workers are more receptive to concrete advancement: the ability to move up in an organization while enjoying benefits in their contract.

Are there enough trained logistics workers?

Is your organization struggling with being understaffed? We explore why and what you can do about it.

Best Practices for Organizing a Warehouse

Optimized logistics and supply chain management are at the heart of successful warehouse operations, but accomplishing this can prove challenging. Whether you’re an up-and-coming warehouse …

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Effective Warehouse Leadership Skills

How can warehouse managers refine their leadership skills to deal with the Great Resignation?

Employee background checks: help or hindrance?

While conducting background checks on potential employees has been the standard practice for decades, is it time to do away with them? 

Employee Contract extensions: advantages and how to do them

Considering extending an employee’s contract but not sure if it’s a good idea? Read on to find out why it’s an excellent option and how to go about it.

Encouraging boomerangs: Staying connected when you part ways

Boomerang employee figures are on the rise, so what can you do to go about ensuring that employees leaving your company are likely to want to return?

Finding good work ethic: What to look for in a resume

Good work ethic is a greatly desirable characteristic of members of your work force. But how to determine if a candidate has the type of workplace personality you’re looking for when you only have their resume to work from? 

Flexibility is now a strength in your workforce

Amidst a flurry of insights, something new has emerged in our logistics-wide survey. For the first time, most employees list scheduling factors as the biggest reason to stay in their job.

How can warehouses keep up with industry growth?

The warehouse industry is set for rapid growth in coming years, but how can logistics leaders adapt to these changes to keep up with current times?

How COVID-19 changed pay rates

How employers chose to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the way organizations and employees approach pay rates. Read on to find out more.

How fuel increases will affect the logistics industry

Increases in fuel prices will have considerable effects on the warehousing and logistics industry. Read on to find out more.

How Gamification in Logistics is Changing the Industry

Gamification is taking the world by storm. Are you familiar with it and its application in the logistics sector?

How technology is changing the supply chain

Technology is changing the supply chain — and it can change your warehouse, too. Here’s a closer look!

How temporary staffing can help with labor shortages

Is your organization struggling with the labor shortage? Temporary staffing may be the answer.

How to downscale or upscale warehouse operations

Are you concerned about the scope of your business operations in the face of a possible (or even current) recession? Read on to learn how you can upgrade or downgrade them to adapt to changing economic conditions.

How To Handle Consumer Demand Volatility

Do you know how to accommodate changes in order volumes? Can you satisfy your customers’ changing expectations timeously? Continue reading to learn more about tackling demand variability. 

How to hire for industry 4.0

Once everyone’s up to speed with interconnectivity, machine learning and smart automation, you’re less likely to be shaken by the unexpected. Global events and fluctuating markets won’t cut into your profit margin as deeply.

How to hire the right people for your organization

Are you struggling to bring the correct people on board at your business? Read on to discover some handy tips and tricks to help you work through that problem.

How to improve supply chain visibility

Is your line of sight along your supply chain crystal clear? Read on to discover how to gain better visibility.

How to increase your warehouse employee retention rates

With a possible recession headed our way, here are a few ways in which you can keep your employee retention rates high.

How to Manage Warehouse Employees

Tips for Managing Warehouse Employees  Amid continued labor shortages and unpredictable supply chain disruptions in warehousing today, warehouse managers need to unlock the full potential …

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How to Overcome Supply Chain Challenges with Technology

Supply chain management is only getting more complex. Here are nine ways technology helps overcome today’s challenges.

How to prepare your warehouse for a recession

Do you know how to recession-proof your warehousing activities? Read on to find out.

How to reduce employee turnover rates

By improving your employees’ working terms and conditions, you can decrease your employee turnover easily. Read on to find out how.

How to work with unions to improve productivity

From time-saving contracts to cost-saving training programs, working with trade unions can improve your business’s workforce and profit margins.